SNV and Ignite Mozambique sign a new multi-year agreement to deploy over 300,000 solar home systems in off-grid areas

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The new agreement supports Ignite’s goals of deploying more than 300k solar home systems in the coming years

To reach large-scale impact, we must combine capital support with smart, digital, and last-mile operations. We are excited to share this vision with the BRILHO Program”

— Angela Homsi, Co-founder of Ignite Power

MAPUTO, MOZAMBIQUE, July 20, 2022 / — Ignite Power is pleased to announce the signing of an extended partnership agreement with SNV Mozambique, as part of the implementation of the BRILHO programme, funded by United Kingdom Aid – Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (Ukaid-FCDO) and the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida). The new agreement extends the support by backing Ignite’s goals of deploying more than 300k solar home systems in the coming years, expanding operations into more provinces and districts, and reaching people in thousands of villages.

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